വിലാസം: കെ.വി.എം ഹൗസ്
ആലംകോട് പി.ഒ, ആറ്റിങ്ങല്
E-mail: remyatulsi@gmail.com
വിദ്യാഭ്യാസയോഗ്യത: കാര്യവട്ടം കേരളസര്വകലാശാല കാമ്പസില് നിന്ന് എം.എ സോഷ്യോളജി, യു.ജിസി നെറ്റ്.
കാഞ്ഞിരംകുളം ഗവണ്മെന്റ് കോളേജിലെ ഡോ.എബ്രഹാം വിജയന്റെ മേല്നോട്ടത്തിലാണ് ഗവേഷണം. ശ്രീകാര്യത്തെ ലയോള കോളേജാണ് സെന്റര്.
Topic of Research: Impact of Information Technology on the Life Styles of College Students in Kerala.
Information Technology is a combination of computer and related technologies for information storage and dissemination. It is almost everywhere and has dramatically altered the way we live. As a result of the role played by Information Technology, our daily living is changing rapidly to the degree that many of us especially youngsters have become dependent on it. Now a days mobile phones and personal computers constitute the principle tools of our interaction.
The study reflects upon the student’s use of new Information Technology and the implications of that use. Students were found to be fond of their Information Technology use mostly because of their ability to access all sorts of information and communicate with the outside world including friends and family members abroad. One of the key problems with Information Technology is that it is building stronger walls between close individuals including family members. The purpose of the study is therefore to address the impact and implications of information technology mainly the way they are using these technologies and the consequences of that use.

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